
A Dynamically Typed, Lazily Evaluated Lisp, Based on Lambda Calculus.

(defun foldr (f i xs)
  (if (null xs)
    (f (head xs)
       (foldr f i (tail xs)))))

(foldr + 0 [1 2 3]) 6

A Functional Language. An implementation of a right-fold function in ZZZZ, using a recursive definition.

Also shows how the + operator can be passed directly into a call to foldr as a higher-order function.

(take 5
  (map (lhs ^ 2)
    (range. 1 inf)))
  [1 4 9 16 25]

Infinite Data. In this example, an infinite list is created with a call to range., generating the list [1 2 3 4 ...]. Each element of the infinite list is squared, and the first five are extracted and returned.

The lhs function is used to apply the second argument to a function instead of the first.